Programa de Cooperación Regional para Centroamérica y República Dominicana

Departamento de Interior de EE.UU., 2013
Brochure, in Spanish

Desde el año 2008, el Departamento del Interior de los Estados Unidos (DOI), a través de su Programa de Asistencia Técnica Internacional(ITAP), ha facilitado asistencia técnica y apoyo a los países de Centroamérica y República Dominicana para contribuir a mejorarla aplicación de la Convención Sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES).

SUCCESS STORY: Central American Wildlife Enforcement Network (CA-WEN)

Departamento de Interior de EE.UU., 2013
Handout, in Spanish

Success story: Achievements in strengthening wildlife enforcement through the foundation of the Central American Wildlife Enforcement Network (CA-WEN).

Second Meeting and Workshop of the Central American and Dominican Republic Wildlife Enforcement Network

Executive Summary, in English

This executive summary presents a summary and the results of the “Second Meting and Workshop of ROAVIS” that took place on December 2-14, 2012 in Managua, Nicaragua aimed to follow up on ROAVIS’s progress and to strengthen and enhance ROAVIS’s capacities.

Red de Observancia y Aplicación de la Normativa de Vida Silvestre de Centro América y República Dominicana

ROAVIS, Mayo 2012
Newsletter, in Spanish

Este boletín pretende ser vía para compartir información de interés en material de aplicación de la ley y temas relacionados entre los actores relevantes en la región de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana.


U.S. Department of Interior, 2012
Brochure, in English

This brochure provides an overview of the CITES program implemented in partnership between Department of interior and the Central American Commission on Environment and Development.

Report on Training for Wildlife Inspectors in Miami, Florida

U.S. Department of Interior, 2012
Report, in English and Spanish

This report presents a summary and the results of a training at the Port of Miami, Florida for oficial from CAFTA-DR to strengthen cargo inspection techniques and procedures for wildlife shipments in ports of entry and exit.

Red de Observancia y Aplicación de la Normativa de Vida Silvestre de Centro América y República Dominicana

TRAFFIC, Noviembre 2011
Newsletter, in Spanish

Este boletín pretende ser una vía para compartir información de interés en material de aplicación de la ley y temas relacionados entre los actores relevantes en la región de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana.

Manual Operativo Binacional para el Control del Comercio de Vida Silvestre – Nicaragua-Costa Rica

U.S. Department of the Interior, in Spanish

Las Repúblicas de Nicaragua y Costa Rica, como países signatarios de la Convención Sobre el Comercio
de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES), con la ratificación del Tratado Internacional, asumieron
el compromiso de regular el comercio internacional de especies (importación, exportación o reexportación) que se
realiza entre los países partes del convenio de forma efectiva y eficiente.

Porque Son Una Pieza Importante en su Habitat Ellos no Están a la Venta

U.S. Department of the Interior
Brochure, in Spanish

A pesar de ser un pais pequeño, Costa Rica posee una gran riqueza natural; aproximadamente un 5% de las especies descritas a nivel mundial se encuentran en Costa Rica. La variedad contempla más de 8.500 especies de plantas, 220 de reptiles, 160 especies de anfibios, 205 de mamíferos y 850 especies de aves.

Ctenosaura Identification Guide

U.S. Department of the Interior
Guide, in English and Spanish

This guide is a critical first step to aid enforcement authorities in implementing national conservation laws covering the spiny-tailed iguanas (Ctenosaura species) of the New World, as well as implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which listed spiny-tailed iguanas for the first time in 2010.

Unidad De Delitos Contra El Medio Ambiente

U.S. Department of the Interior, in Spanish

¿Cuales son los principales delitos contra la fauna y flora? ¿Cuáles son las leyes y Convenios internacionales que protegen la flora y la fauna silvestre en Nicaragua?

Success Story: Costa Rica and Nicaragua Join Forces to Protect Wildlife

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Success story: Bi-national training and development of bi-national operations manual between Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

Success Story: Dominican Authorities Achieve a Reduction in Sale of Hawksbill Turtle Products

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Success story:  Creation of interagency enforcement teams to seize Hawksbill Sea Turtle contraband in popular tourist destinations.

Success Story: CITES Protection for Iguanas

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Success story:  The success full proposal to list iguanas under CITES.

Success Story: Nicaragua Pursues Sustainable Use of Wildlife

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Success story:  The development of a project to teach a local women’s cooperative techniques for sustainably ranching poison-arrow frogs for the international pet trade.

Los Jaguares de la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya: Información para Guías de Turismo

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Brochure, in Spanish

Bloletín para compartir con los guías de turismo de Carmelita, información sobre el jaguar, su hábitat y su conservación en la Reserva de Biosfera Maya.

Guía de Reconocimiento del Género Tillandsia de Guatemala

Departamento de Interior de EEUU, CCAD, CONAP, Noviembre 2010

Guide, in Spanish

Este guía tiene como objetivo contribuir al conocimiento y conservación de dichas especies de flora y su hábitat, así como facilitar la aplicación de las regulaciones de la CITES.

Abundancia de Jaguares en El Parque Nacional Tikal, Reserva de la Biosfera Maya

Wildlife Conservation Society and U.S. Department of the Interior, 2010

Informe, in Spanish

Informe de una investigación para estimar la abundancia y densidad de jaguares dentro de la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya en Guatemala.

Plan de Acción para la conservación de las Tortugas Marinas en El Salvador 2010 – 2020

U.S. Department of the Interior
, CCAD, SICA and MARN, 2010
Plan de acción, in Spanish

Este plan identifica las acciones prioritarias de conservación que ejecutaran todos los actores claves, para contribuir a la conservación de las tortugas marinas en el marco del desarrollo sostenible local en El Salvador.

Proposal to include the group of Iguanas in the genus Ctenosaura, subgenus Loganiosaura, under CITES Appendix II

Republic of Guatemala and Republic of Honduras, 2009

Brochure, in English and Spanish

Brochure regarding the proposal to regulate trade in the species to guarantee that harvesting of individuals from the wild does not reduce the wild population to a level in which its survival would be threatened by continuous harvesting or other factors.

The “Better TEDs” Project: Protecting Endangered Sea Turtles and Improving Shrimp Harvests

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science, 2009

Project Summary, in English and Spanish

Using Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) in shrimp nets saves sea turtles and enhances shrimpers’ livelihoods. The U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA) and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) list all species of sea turtles with habitat in the Western North Atlantic, including the Gulf of Mexico

Wildlife Trade Control – CAFTA-DR Regional Gap Analysis Report

TRAFFIC North America, 2009

Study, in English

Analysis performed by TRAFFIC North America in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under a grant from the U.S. Department of State for a project designed to undertake an overview “gap analysis” related to priority issues concerning implementation of wildlife trade control. The project’s primary goal is to assist CAFTA-DR countries with better implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and wildlife trade regulations, by guiding TRAFFIC’s capacity building approach and activities within the CAFTA-DR environmental cooperation context.

Supporting Wildlife Rescue Centers

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science and Humane Society International, 2009

Project Summary, in English and Spanish

As part of the Environmental Cooperation Program under the Central American Dominican Republic-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR), the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science (OES), in partnership with Humane Society International (HSI), is helping to establish wildlife rescue centers, as well as to strengthen and support existing centers in the CAFTA-DR region.

Orchids of Nicaragua—Field Guide

Ministerio de Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales and the US Forest Service—International Institute of Tropical Forestry, 2008

Field Guide, in English and Spanish

General guide to identify orchids of Nicaragua and to help improve understanding of their distribution in the country. Provides information on pollination and habitat, and on how to plant and rescue orchids; an extensive Checklist of Nicaraguan Orchids; and a summary description of each species and its habitat and flowering season. Includes photographs for many species, depicting flower, plant habitat and seed capsules, accompanied by location maps.

Asesoramiento para la definición de lineamientos técnicos y búsqueda de opciones para el establecimiento de centros de rescate en Centro América y República Dominicana

Consultora Enma Diaz, 2007

Study, in Spanish

Study on wildlife rescue centers—description of the situation in the CAFTA-DR region regarding rescue of wildlife confiscated in efforts to prevent illegal trade in endangered species; guidelines for the establishment and operation of wildlife rescue centers; assessment of existing rescue centers in the CAFTA-DR region and other institutions, such as zoos, which shelter and care for wild animals; proposed projects for each of the CAFTA-DR countries; photographs of endangered species and of current facilities for wildlife rescue.

Orchids of Nicaragua—Field Guide

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2013

Handout, in English

In this case study, the U.S. Department of Interior evaluates the Mirador-Rio Azul Multi-sector Roundtable – an ongoing Adaptive Co-Management (ACM) effort in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve that emerged from a complex and conflictive history seldom seen in the world of natural resource management.

Red de Observancia y Aplicación de la Normativa de Vida Silvestre de Centro América y República Dominicana

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2013

Brochure, in Spanish

Este boletín pretende ser una vía para compartir información de interés en materia de aplicación de la ley y temas relacionados entre los actores relevantes en la región de Centroamérica y la República Dominicana.

CAFTA-DR Environmental Cooperation Program CITES and Capacity Building for the Central American Free Trade Agreement

Humane Society International (HSI), 2013

Handout, in English and Spanish

This handout summarizes CITES implementation of projects under the CAFTA-DR Environmental Cooperation program. In its projects HSI seeks to engage many different stakeholders to help governments strengthen their environmental laws, through outreach campaigns, training, rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife, economic alternatives to extraction and species specific protection in protected areas.

Strengthening of Governance and Resource Management in the Maya Biosphere Reserve

U.S. Department of Interior

Brochure, in English

This brochure provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Interior’s work with the Government of Guatemala, non-governmental organizations, and local communities to strengthen natural and cultural resource conservation in the Maya Biosphere Reserve.

Informe de Talleres Nacionales de la ROAVIS 2012

ROAVIS, 2012

Brochure, in Spanish

Este informe presenta un resumen de los talleres realizados en el marco de la Red de Observancia y Aplicación de la Normativa Silvestre para Centroamérica y República Dominicana (ROAVIS).

Survey of Status, Trade, and Exploitation of Central American Iguanas

U.S. Department of Interior, 2011

Report, in Spanish and English

The overall aim of this report is to bring together, into one document, relevant information that can inform future conservation efforts, management actions, and research directions for Iguaninae species within the 5 CAFTA signatory countries.

Informe de Valoracion Economica del Proceso de Implementación de la Convencion CITES en Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y República Dominicana

U.S. Department of the Interior, in Spanish

En las últimas dos décadas los países centroamericanos han venido suscribiendo y ratificando una serie de acuerdos
multilaterales ambientales. Sin embargo, las autoridades se han encontrado con la dificultad de establecer mecanismos
financieros que capturen el verdadero valor económico generado a partir del aprovechamiento de los ecosistemas en la región.

Procedimientos y Requisitos Establecidos por Costa Rica para el Eomercio de Fuana y Flora Silvestre

U.S. Department of the Interior

Brochure, in Spanish

De conformidad con lo establecido la Ley de Conservación de la Vida Silvestre No. 7317 y de su reglamento No. 32633, se han dictado los requisitos para la exportación e importación de especies de vida silvestre.

Las Iguanas de Cola Espinosa de Guatemala y Honduras

U.S. Department of the Interior

Poster, in Spanish

¿Cuáles son las iguanas de cola espinosa? Estas iguanas son la especie Guatemalteca de la Iguana de Tuno (Ctenosaura palearis) que vive en los cactus tuno del Valle del Motagua y las especies Hondureñas como el Jamo Negro (Ctenosaura melanosterna) en el bosque seco del Valle de Aguán, el Swamper (Ctenosaura bakeri) en los manglares de la isla Utila y el Wishwilly (Ctenosaura oedirhina) en la isla de Roatán. Se diferencian del resto de iguanas.

They Are Not For Sale

U.S. Department of the Interior

Banner, in Spanish

Please help us protect Costa Rican Wild Life.

Success Story: Protecting Wildlife

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Success story: The strengthening of environmental protections and conservation measures under CITES in Costa Rica.

Success Story: Guatemala Strengthens Enforcement of International Trade in CITES Species

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Success story:  Achievements in strengthening the enforcement of wildlife laws and regulating international trade in endangered species.

Success Story: Improving Endangered Species Protection in Honduras

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Success story:  CITES implementation training for government officials in Honduras.

Abundancia de Jaguares y Presas Asociadas al Fototrampeo en el sector oeste del Parque Nacional Mirador – Río Azul, Reserva de Biosfera Maya

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Handout in English and Spanish

Final report from a study to estimate jaguar abundance and density within the western sector of Mirador-Rio Azul National Park.

Guía para Minimizar los Impactos del Turismo sobre Jaguares en el Parque Nacional Mirador – Río Azul

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2011

Guide, in Spanish

Una guía para evitar posibles impactos negativos sobre los jaguares y para regular las actividades que los turistas realizan dentro de las áreas protegidas.

Manual de Identificación de Especies de Fauna y Flora

U.S. Department of the Interior, 2010

Manual, in Spanish

El tráfico ilegal de especímenes silvestres es considerado a nivel mundial como una de las principales causas de disminución de las poblaciones naturales de fauna y se menciona como una de las actividades ilícitas que mayores sumas de dinero moviliza anualmente.

El Danto: una herramienta para el fortalecimiento del Sistema Guatemalteco de Áreas Protegidas—Rotafolio de Mapas

Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas, 2009

Portfolio of Maps, in Spanish

Eight maps of Guatemala relevant to the habitat and conservation of the Central American tapir: protected areas, topographical features, woodlands, habitat quality, potential distribution, habitat conservation status, potential connectivity, and morphology of woodlands.  The tapir, the largest mammal in the region—up to two meters in length and 700 pounds—is in danger of extinction, primarily due to loss of habitat.

Manipulación de Fauna Silvestre Decomisada en Nicaragua—Manual Básico

Zolotoff-Pallais, José M. y Lezama, Martín, 2009

Manual, in Spanish

Information regarding tools and methods for responsible and efficient handling of wild animals confiscated or found by national and municipal government personnel charged with administration of natural resources.  Provides a summary of animal commerce in the country, a protocol for handling confiscated wildlife, instructions by taxonomical group on subduing and confining animals, and information on diseases transmitted by wild animals. Provides information on resources in the country and abroad, such as shops specializing in the necesary tools, in-country specialists to consult in emergencies, zoos and literature on the subject. Illustrated with photographs.

Wildlife Trade Control – Identifying Needs and Enhancing Capacity for CAFTA-DR Countries


Project Summary, in English

Description of TRAFFIC’s contribution to the CITES Support Program, a CAFTA-DR Environmental Cooperation initiative to ensure governments and stakeholders in the region have the skills, knowledge and resources to manage trade in wildlife and meet the requirements of CITES implementation and enforcement.

CITES Support Program: Stopping Illegal Trade in Wildlife in the CAFTA-DR Region

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science, 2009

Project Summary, in English and Spanish

Unsustainable and illegal trade in wildlife is among the most significant threats to certain wild animals and plants. CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, strives to ensure that the international trade in wildlife is conducted so that it does not threaten the survival of species in the wild.

Manual Ilustrado Sobre Especies de Fauna Amenazadas y Sujetas a Comercio en Nicaragua

Ministerio de Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales, Paso Pacífico and the US Forest Service, 2008 Manual, in Spanish

Manual created to improve institutional capacity to regulate wildlife in Nicaragua. Describes the laws and regulations applicable to trade in species.  Contains a total of 42 descriptions of species, selected based on dangers to their existence, importance of conservation, volume of traffic; also includes some species which are appropriate for commerce. Each description provides information on the species’ taxonomy, characteristics, diet, habitat, distribution, status of protection and principal threats. Richly illustrated with photographs.

Manual Operativo Nacional para el control del Comercio de Vida Silvestre en la República Dominicana

Secretaría de Estado de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la República Dominicana, 2008

Manual, in Spanish

Manual for the implementation in the Dominican Republic of CITES, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, intended for customs and agricultural inspectors, port authorities, environmental law legal and enforcement personnel, officials in civil aviation, armed services and tourism and NGOs. Includes text of CITES, DR rules and regulations for trade in wild fauna and flora, copies of official forms and instructions for use. Illustrated with graphics and photographs.